RKX X-Kool Automotive UV Leak Detection Kit with UV Flashlight, Glasses, and AC System UV dye
X-Kool-UV-KitRKX X-Kool Automotive UV Leak Detection Kit with UV Flashlight, Glasses,
and AC System UV dye
X-Kool Ultra Violet leak detection kit with AC system UV dye
This kit allows you to easily trace leaks by simply adding the appropriate UV dye to the system and using the included UV light and goggles.
Under the powerful UV flashlight the dye will light up brightly allowing quick and easy diagnosis of the system.
The X-Kool kit comes with UV dye for the Air Condition system. Other dyes can be purchased to use with engine oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and coolant.
Kit includes:
UV flashlight
UV goggles
AC system UV dye
Carry case
(3 AAA batteries not included)